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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

January 2002

This is the backyard of the house I
purchased the next month. You can
see from other photos on the blog
what it looks like now. The person
shown in this photo is the real
estate agent.

Quite an improvement over 4 years!
I now have 480 plants/trees up from
the 7 when the house was purchased.
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Monday, December 12, 2005

This is 2 years old

There have been some changes made
on the patio and with the plants but
I am hard pressed to find any decent
photos of me to post, this one at least
shows my favorite activity = doing
nothing. Q. When you do nothing all
day - how do you know when you are
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If you thought 2 years was 'out of date' - try this one!

This is an undated photo of
me, at probably 2-3 yrs old,

taken in front of my grand-
parents house at 7234
Layfette Ave in Chicago,
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Friday, December 09, 2005

WARNING! A double left click of the mouse will fill your screen with a huge photo of: ME

Taken Dec 05 by my web camera, just
me sitting in my 2nd bedroom 'office'
at home.

Winter Sucks!

Everything is dull and gray and the
heating bills are over $300 a month.
Every year I tell myself I should take
a vacation to somewhere warm, but
so far I haven't done it.
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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Fall - going into Winter.

Getting close to winter but
still some green in the grass.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Here is a big picture of ME!

Taken in the kitchen.

Monday, November 28, 2005

I am just starting this blog-

On Nov 27, 2005, I registered here and I am still looking at how to proceed.

I have put in a selection of photos, some of myself and some of the house.

Unfortunately there isn't anything of great interest.

I have no idea what use I will make of this 'blog', perhaps none at all, but it never hurts to learn new things.

Did I mention the lot was carved out of a hill?

The last 20 ft. of the lot is a steep
incline, so my backyard is really just
a largish green patio that needs to
be mowed! The drop from the
white mini fence in the middle to
the flat ground is about 3 1/2 feet.
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Yes, it does snow in Georgia.

It just dosen't snow often or stay long
on the ground!
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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Me in 'master bedroom'

Just me at home in Georgia,
nothing special here.

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Home Office

TV, Computer, 2 printers, a few things
added since photo was taken.

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Kitchen at home, nice and neat.

Some photos of the house, taken
after it was cleaned, mostly
for insurance purposes.
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Living Room at home.

It is nice and neat for once! Posted by Picasa

Hey! There is some big ugly guy in my living room!

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Oh, . . .wait. . .nevermind,
that is just me!

'Home' as seen from the street.

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Just me again in the backyard.

1st - Set timer on camera
2nd - Run around in front of the camera before it goes off
3rd - Smile

I consider 2 out of 3 to be an acceptable level of competence!
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Myself in backyard.

The grass looks decent in this
photo. There are always minor
changes to this area. When I
purchased the place in 01, there
were 7 plants on the 1/4 acre.
Now there are 480!
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Figure out which country this flag is from and win $1.

My House. Posted by Picasa

What did you expect? It is Georgia!

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Most days it is the U.S. flag but now and then
a flag from another country, the Ga. old style
State flag or the Confederate Naval Ensign.

since you probably could not name the flag in the other photo above I will tell you: it is the old style South African flag, now they have a real ugly red/green/black flag.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Today is:
Eastern Standard Time

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Home - Front Yard

 Front Yard

I asked my grandmother Mabel Kelly Hunter, several times to set down info of our earlier days, she was not interested, however it seems that my mother Beverly Elaine Hunter (Harris), along with info from my grandmother, did set down the below items of information.  

Here it is FYI:

Beverly Elaine Anderson, "United States Social Security Death Index"  (my mother)

Given Name:Beverly
Middle Name:Elaine
Name Suffix:Mrs.
Birth Date:31 December 1921
Social Security Number:338-14-4818
Last Place of Residence:Orland Park, Cook, Illinois
Previous Residence Postal Code:60462
Event Date:16 January 2001
Below:  Mabel Hunter (my grandmother), on a visit to my home 1025 NW 13th Street, Ft Lauderdale, Fla, Jan 1972 and prayer card from her death July 1974.  I attended her funeral and was a pall bearer.