Time for a new car -
Traded in the 2010 Ford Escape for a 2013 on a three year lease, will get $5,000 back on the deal.
On 1/11/2013 I sold the Florida condo for $93,000 to the same developer who I purchased it from in May of 2007 for $165,900. With this sort of financial wizzardry I should probably get a job with the Federal government.
Below the photo is what I had to say on my long running condo blog site:
As a frequent critic of the developer, Nautilus Development Partners, LLLP and Concord Management, Ltd. I have over the past 5 years provided information to Owners and Residents about how poorly this condo was managed.
Recently I have put in my name to be one of 3 Owners running for the 2 BOD seats for 2013 and my information has been circulated to eligible voters at the condo. The major topic was that I would be replacing the 3rd rate management firm we have now with a professional one, 'if' the 2nd Owner Board member were to agree that we needed change. Had I been elected, I am 100% sure that Concord would not have gotten another contract to manage here.
It seems that both the developer and Concord agreed that Concord had one foot out the door as recently the developer made an offer to buy back my condo at $93,000. With 3 bedroom condos at NCC going for $80-82,000 the offer was worth taking at 56% of the original purchase price in 2007 and on Jan 11th I signed the paperwork and sold #708 to the Developer who is using the name of 'Nautilus 708, LLC' to make the purchase.
So with apologies to the late author Douglas Adams for borrowing his book title, I say: "So long and thanks for all the fish!"
Bill Harris
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